The world and the people across its frontiers will continue to do what they do, with or without me. With or without you. With our without us. The beauty is, like falling rain we are significant and insignificant, here, and gone in the same moment.
Our fleeting experience on Earth, no matter our age, when examined closely, will surely reveal that nothing is as it appears. The whole we belong to is in constant motion. Information swirls into dust storms which, upon settling, reveal glimpses of truth.
We rush to pick up truth and like a flower plant it in a pot at home. We water truth. We trim truth and, eventually, may transfer it to a bigger pot. Outside the window, the information age stirs up another storm. We have a choice: Venture into what is a hostile, confusing and unknown terrain; Or watch Truth in the pot grow.
Perhaps we ought to restrain from plucking truth out of its environment altogether. Perhaps truth is of a stormy hologram nature. We don't arrive to truth by plotting and storing truth. Truth arrives to us when we brave the storm.
In my first language - Bulgarian, we daily use phrases such as "it looks like" and "it appears to me" - phrases which leave us fully responsible for how we are present in the world.
Say aloud, “My friend looks like he’s upset with me.”
And now say, “My friend is upset with me.”
Regardless of where your friend may stand on the issue, which phrase leaves room for dialogue? The first, or the second?
Perhaps making small alteration to how we use language, we can refit language for the times. Together, we can watch Truth bloom and wither just as flowers do. And be at peace.