Thank you Bogdan for sharing all your creative energy! I have enjoyed all your films and productions. I look forward to seeing this one when it becomes available in Seattle. Perhaps there could be another round table discussion afterwards. :) All the best!

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Thank you for your support! It means a lot. Yes, the round table discussions are a must!

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A nice morning read, thank you Bogdan, fun to see Bogdan the Actor! Have a great week!

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Happy you enjoyed it! Do you know of any Talent Agents in LA? Just kidding. I will stick to directing. For now...

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Ha ha ha... you are a tall handsome man!

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Happy Nameday brother! Love seeing all these updates about your creative quest. Good work getting back on stage ;). No easy feat after getting rusty!

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Thank you, my friend! It was a lot of fun to be back on the stage for sure. Mysterious how life knows and life directs you!

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